Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Picture This!

When Governor Corbett came to Philadelphia in May, Decarcerate PA lined the streets with prison beds and banners to demonstrate that money spent on prison beds is money taken away from the things PA really needs.  Now we are taking our beds on the road!  Every day from now until the budget passes, Decarcerate PA will post a new photo of these prison beds in front of institutions and places in Pennsylvania that are negatively impacted by Governor Corbett’s broken priorities.

Governor Corbett’s proposed 2012-2013 budget would continue his attack on public education, health care, and social services. His budget cuts $78 million from basic education, $264 million from higher education, $319 million from General Assistance, and millions more from environmental protection, homeowners assistance, and healthcare and mental health services.  He claims these drastic cuts will somehow benefit the state. But if Governor Corbett really loved Pennsylvania, he would focus on funding the vital industries and support systems that help Pennsylvanians grow, learn and stay healthy.

At the same time, Governor Corbett is moving ahead with a $685 million project to build three new prisons and expand nine existing facilities. Each new prison will contain about 2,000 new beds and cost $200 million to build. For each new prison bed, Pennsylvania taxpayers will pay about $100,000. In all, this expensive construction will add over 5,000 new beds to the prison system at a time when Governor Corbett’s own Department of Corrections Secretary, John Wetzel, acknowledges that thousands of men and women are currently incarcerated in PA beyond their minimum release dates due to programming wait lists and bureaucratic backlogs.

If Governor Corbett cared about Pennsylvanians, he would invest in education, healthcare and other industries that promote a brighter future, not more unnecessary prison beds. Join Decarcerate PA in asking Governor Corbett, “Where is the love?”

For more on Decarcerate PA’s campaign, visit:
For more details on the impact Governor Corbett’s proposed budget cuts, visit:

Check Out Picture This HERE!